After all that waiting (see post directly below this one) he arrived, and he's perfect. This is the type of newborn session that makes me the happiest. I know there are other photographers who have elaborate setups with huge rooms full of props. They do beautiful work, and have many happy clients. This, to me is just more realistic and genuine. It's such a fleeting time in your life when you bring home a newborn baby. It's traumatic and life altering in ways you never ever expected it to be. You're sleep deprived and overwhelmed, and happy, but also scared to death.
I want my clients to look back on their newborn images and remember those deep feelings of joy for their precious baby, and what it was like to have him finally home with them. Their furniture, clothing, and everything else will bring back memories of that time. Their children and grandchildren will see a true snapshot of their lives when they were born. That to me is priceless, and what photography is all about. Welcome home Donovan. You are loved beyond measure.

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