If you're like me you love your family, but they can make you crazy sometimes. I live one mile away from both my parents and my in-laws, and in the other direction one mile away is my sister. My kids go to school with their cousins. We are a close family, and I love it that way. We've thought about moving away, but they are what keep us here, solidly here. The chaos of family gatherings with a dozen children, birthdays every couple of weeks, soccer games, school plays, and trick or treating together is how we live. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I love photographing extended families. I feel right at home with them in all the organized chaos. This family was a treat to meet and photograph one beautiful summer day early in the morning. I was impressed they could all get ready and looking so amazing at such an early hour.
They were all together from out of town to celebrate the 37th anniversary of their parents and some really big birthdays. Families who vacation together make memories that last a lifetime, and hiring a photographer to document their time here in California is a fabulous idea if I do say so myself, although I might be a little biased.