I will never forget meeting Karli for the first time just over a year ago. She and my daughter are friends at school, and were giving her a ride somewhere. When she came into the car, it was like a light switched on. She was full of energy like few people I know. She's a cheerleader and wrestler. How could you not love that combination? She talked a lot about her family. I was anxious to find out more about them. If they were anything like Karli I knew I would love them.
Her family did not disappoint me. Her mom is not only mom to 5 kids, but also a NICU nurse. Her dad -- a hard worker who is there for them all. The youngest brother? Well, he's hilarious and so cute you want to take him home with you. The oldest recently received a medal of merit for helping save lives during a drowning incident. Karli's sister is saving lives of her own as a paramedic, and wants to be a fire fighter. Her younger brother is a self taught musical genius who can play any instrument. They are an amazing group of people. I'm pleased to know them, even though it started to rain during our session together, it was anything but dreary.

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