One of my most common types of session is the newborn baby. The best thing about these sessions is talking to the moms and dads about their experience with a newborn at home. We compare birth stories, hospital stays, talk about how the sibling(s) are adjusting, how much, or how little sleep they are getting, feeding issues, rashes, eye infections, diapers, etc etc. I am not an expert, but as the mom of 4 children myself I feel like I have a lot to say on the subject of newborns. For the past 7 years I've been so blessed to photograph lots of babies. I've seen some of them grow up, and they are now in the 2nd grade. How is that possible?
This post is a combination of several newborn sessions. I am honored to photograph these precious babies. I will never take it for granted. It is my way of getting my baby fix. Holding a newborn will never get old.

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