High school senior photographer in Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village. Senior Portraits outdoors with the trees.
20% off for the Class of 2020
You already have your formal senior portraits done. Now it’s time to get the senior portraits you actually like. Show the world who you REALLY are.
It’s not too late Class of 2020!
Enjoy 20% off of your entire portrait session if you book your date before 2/20/20 at 9:00 pm.
**The date of your photo shoot can be anytime this spring, but you must have the portrait agreement filled out, and the session fee paid before 9:00 pm on 2/20.
You only graduate once. I promise you will not regret documenting this time in your life. Feel free to bring a couple of friends to make it more fun. They can jump in for one or two photos with you.
Class of 2018 Senior Portrait Special
Are you or someone you love graduation this year? It's the perfect time to document this exciting time in your life with senior portraits. Don't let your portraits be just like everyone else. We can customize your session to incorporate your favorite things. Do you love to play soccer? Let's go to the soccer fields with your uniform on, as well as a beautiful field with a dress. Do you do theater? Let's use the stage as a backdrop, and your favorite spot outdoors. Is surfing your passion? Let's go to the beach. Whatever you love to do we can plan it in your session. If you just want to have a beautiful backdrop and no props or special location that's OK too. It's whatever you want.
JANUARY SPECIAL: If you book your senior portrait session in January our portrait packages will be up to 50% off. You can schedule your session anytime before graduation, but you must book the session before the end of the month. This will save you hundreds of dollars, so you don't want to miss it. Email julie@juliecampbellphotography.com or call 805-910-7426 to receive a price list, and book your session. I'll provide you with lots of suggestions for locations, what to wear, and how to prepare for the best possible outcome. I'm excited to plan a session just for you.
The latest on Instagram: @juliegcampbell
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2016 Favorites
Moms out there are so busy every day taking care of their kids, going to work, cleaning up, doing laundry, playing, organizing, entertaining, and planning. It's a largely thankless job, except for those brief hugs and snuggles that keep you going. It's exhausting and grueling. There's nothing else like it. Dads are in the same boat. The dads who aren't staying home with the kids come home from a long day at work and jump right in. Gone are the days of them sitting and reading the paper after work while mom does everything. I love how involved and hands on dads are now. How lucky the kids are to be close to both parents.
When families book a session with me I am always honored. I know how much work it takes to schedule a time when you can all be together, dressed in your finest, with big happy smiles. It is always worth it though! These images will be with you forever. Moms, I promise you that in 5-10 years you'll look back and see yourself and think, "I look so young!" You'll wish you appreciated how great you looked, and how much energy you had (even though it doesn't feel like it now). I know this from experience. Trust me, it will happen.
2016 brought me a whole host of beautiful babies, children, teens, and families for me to photograph. Clients, I love you and appreciate you more than I can ever express. You help me fulfill my dreams. you bring me joy through my camera, and in the countless hours I spend at my computer looking at you. I hope this isn't the last time I see you. Come back in 2017. I can't wait to see you again.

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The latest on Instagram: @juliegcampbell
I think it is so common for us to get excited about taking pictures of our families when our children are young and changing so quickly. Then something happens. They get older and aren't home much, and lets be honest, parents are tired.
This family was getting ready to see their oldest daughter graduate from high school and move away. They decided to combine a family session with her senior portraits. It was such a beautiful night at the beach. They are beautiful, and I know they will forever have these images of them as they were right before everything changed.

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The on Instagram @juliegcampbell
Taylor Fanto
Taylor Fanto has a new album out. Her voice is so unique, and so beautiful. She's been hard at work writing songs and creating. Go check out her album on iTunes!
We had a great time photographing her new album cover. It's hard to go wrong with Taylor.

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See the latest on Instagram @juliegcampbell